Friday, December 10, 2010

Does The Electronic Cigarette Really Work? An In-depth View On Success Stories

Smoking An Electronic Cigarette

Smoking An Electronic Cigarette

Do electronic-cigarettes help smokers quit? Are they the future of smoking? As on-line forums are filling up with stories from former smokers who have switched to electronic cigarettes, some surprising results are surfacing. Tobacco consumers who have tried all the doctor prescribed treatments and suffered through ‘cold turkey’ experiences to no avail are finding that by substituting electronic cigarettes for traditional cigarettes, they are finally able to get tobacco and traditional cigarettes permanently out of their lives.
Now that electronic cigarettes have been on the market for a while, people are starting to report their success stories and "anniversaries" of tobacco-free living. One young man tells about his first anniversary without cigarettes, and recounts that although the switch from tobacco to e-cigarettes was easier than he thought, there were days when he was sorely tempted to go back to cigarettes. Another story tells of a woman who was raised by smokers and started herself at 14 years old. She was haunted by her addiction, believing she was a "bad person" because she smoked. She watched her father die of emphysema, smoking until the very end. She knew that she could meet the same fate if she didn’t quit soon. Her husband, who was also a smoker and trying to quit, called her excitedly one day to tell her to switch on the radio. There was a talk show about electronic cigarettes, and she was so excited she rushed home and ordered some right away. From the time she received her electronic cigarette to present, she has begun to do so many things she has wanted to do, but that her cigarette addiction has kept her from attempting. Although she admits to having a ‘vape’ from time to time, she no longer feels the stigma of being a ’smoker’ and is enjoying a healthy and productive life style.
Some success stories deal with the freedom that electronic cigarettes have brought into smoker’s daily lives. One lady’s husband suffered a heart attack and had to be rushed to the hospital where he stayed for a week. She reported that without her e-cigarettes, she would have had a miserable time because there was no smoking allowed anywhere on the hospital grounds. But her electronic cigarette posed no problems, in fact it attracted a lot of positive attention and she was able to spread the word to others interested in kicking the habit themselves or recommending e-cigarettes to smokers.
Many heavy smokers report that they are able to reduce a two pack a day habit to 2 to 3 electronic cigarette nicotine cartridges a day. One young man reports he was just going to take baby steps toward his addiction, but is thrilled to report that after just 2 months using electronic cigarettes, he has quit tobacco. He claims he much healthier and energetic. Although his goal was not originally to quit smoking, it turns out that he is greatly encouraged about his ability have a nicotine-free life in the very near future.
These success stories, as well as the hundreds more have brought electronic cigarettes international attention. Due to the massive increase in popularity, and in order to get the word out on the availability of these products, leading electronic cigarette manufacturer, Direct E-Cig is currently offering a limited time promotion for smokers who would like to quit smoking using their revolutionary new E-Cig starter kits. This is a limited time free trial offer of their newest top of the line mode


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