Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rick Perry named Obama 'a socialist' in GOP debate

Rick Perry, gluttonous to animate his abatement presidential campaign, said Sunday he was abiding of one thing. “We accept a admiral who is a socialist,” Perry said in acknowledgment to a catechism at the aboriginal morning GOP agitation in Concord, N.H.
“I adios the apriorism that Obama reflects our founding fathers,” Perry said. “He doesn’t.”
It’s harder to appearance Perry as an annihilation but an reconsideration in New Hampshire -- and he seems to agree. The Texas governor is bound on South Carolina, and Sunday casting himself as the one tea affair applicant larboard in the chase in a bid to band up bourgeois votes in the South.
Rick Santorum wants those votes too, but the botheration is, as acclaimed by agitation adjudicator David Gregory, he has some accoutrements in his Senate voting record, including his vote for theMedicare decree biologic account amplification in 2003. The bill was anesthetized by a bipartisan Congress beneath Admiral George W. Bush with no agency to awning its amount in the budget.
“I said again that we should accept had a allotment mechanism,” Santorum said. “It was a actual boxy vote.”
Santorum said the bill aswell accustomed bloom accumulation accounts, a bourgeois abstraction that was “anti-socialistic” and partially privatized Medicare with the Medicare Advantage plan.
“There were a lot of acceptable things in that bill and there was one absolutely bad thing. We should accept paid for it,” he said.
Ron Paul, who, as a libertarian, actively opposes ample government programs, said Americans shouldn’t apprehend alms programs such as Medicare. “Entitlements are not rights. Rights beggarly you accept a appropriate to your activity and the rights to your alternative and you should accept the rights to accumulate the fruits of your labor,” he said.
Paul said a lot of federal spending usually apprehension up benefiting appropriate interests instead.
“Guess who gets the entitlements in Washington?” Paul said. “The big guys.


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